Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Everytime it rains, it rains Lindens from Heaven.

Everytime it rains, it rains Lindens from Heaven.  In the Spirit of Strawberry Singh's latest Monday Meme, Flat Ebbe Linden, Shay and I showed SL's new CEO our elements venue, which showcases four areas of dance and romance based on the four elements.

The thought was also to pose three questions to the new CEO:

Sim Crossings:
Ebbe, both Shaylin and I live in the United Sailing Sims, and love the sailing and flying experiences there.  Especially due to the fact that the Lindens have created the Community Land Partnership Program, which would be perceived as an attempt to take the idea of the United Sailing Sims (and others like it) seriously, it would be a great thing if the act of crossing from one sim to another could be GREATLY improved.  I'm sure this is on the list, but it's something that Shaylin and I take rather seriously.

Group chat drop-offs:
It is pretty disheartening when the group I created doesn't allow me to take advantage of the group chat.  More often than not, when I try to start a conversation in my group, through the group chat, it drops, or lags.  Any attention to fixing this issue, which has been going on for YEARS!, would be GREATLY appreciated.

Event entry errors:
Recently, when putting in events for our numerous venues, we've been getting multiple errors, such as that our posting includes subject matter of an adult nature, which cannot be used when creating events for sims or parcels of a moderate or general nature.  Our postings have used no such matter.  Also there are notices that we have posted too many events in a certain time period, when according to TOS, we have not.

Thanks for listening, ... and ... um ... get an umbrella, dude!  It's RAINING! 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Vanessa Blaylock's 26 Day Inventory Photo Challenge. D is for dog.

Both Shay and I are big fans of the animals available from Zooby.  And when I chanced upon this Yellow Lab mesh avatar, I couldn't resist.  Though, truthfully, this is the first time I've worn it in ages.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Advice to Second Life Newbies Challenge

In the interest in keeping social and interactive in our Second Life experiences, once in a while (more often recently) Shay and I have begun challenging ourselves with some of Strawberry Singh's Blog Meme Challenges, and today is no different.   Her most recent Monday meme was this:

List 5 pieces of advice you would give to a newcomer that has just joined Second Life. 

1.  Don't treat Second Life as a game!
Though we both feel strongly about this first one, Shaylin is adamant about it.  Second Life is more than a mere game.  It is an immersive social-networking platform (not unlike facebook) where real people interact with each other, and if you think of it in those terms, you'll find your SL experience a much richer one.

2.  Treat people with the same respect that you would like to receive in return.
This brings more detail to item #1.  In this facebook-like platform, you are bound to meet others, some of whom might rub you the wrong way.  It's important to remember that that person on the other side of that avatar has feelings as well.  There's no point in adding drama to your Second Life.  Isn't there enough of that in the real world?

3.  Find a mentor as quickly as you can.
Shay and I both found more experienced avatars who took us under their wing, and it helped us dramatically in our evolution.  Shay routinely goes to Newbie sites and offers her help to those who are just starting out.  This is also an important note for those of us who ARE more experienced, and that is to BE A MENTOR!  

4.  Research Second Life as much as you can (via blogs, articles, etc.)
You will find lots of information on Second Life in blogs (such as the one Shay and I use for our blog challenges, StrawberrySingh.com.)  Take a moment and do a little research.  Just recently Mark Zuckerberg, of Facebook, acquired an innovative virtual reality hardware project called Oculus Rift, which shows much promise in the future development of Second Life.

5.  Go for it!
Don't be afraid to try new things.  You'll find that most of the time you'll do no harm to yourself at all, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back on that horse.  And if you DO run into trouble, you'll probably find help to get yourself back on the right track from the most unlikely of sources.  Meet people.  Engage.

Vanessa Blaylock's 26 Day Inventory Photo Challenge. C is for Cheeky Pea.

Isla Gealach is one of Shay's and my favorite designers in Second Life, always putting a degree of whimsy into each of her pieces.  This is a lounger that is part of her S'mores Camp set.  We keep it as part of our outdoor deck at home in Second Norway.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesdays With Chester 4/08/2014

Shaylin and I take a sail with Chester in our home of Second Norway in Second Life.

Vanessa Blaylock's 26 Day Inventory Photo Challenge: B is for Bandit 50R

This is a top-quality mesh sailboat built by the folks at Bandit. Shaylin and I keep it docked in our home in Second Norway, and enjoy taking sails around the United Sailing Sims

Monday, April 7, 2014

Vanessa Blaylock's 26 Day Inventory Photo Challenge. A is for Alouette

Got a whole set of these Alouette Candy Jars to use as decoration, including this one, prominently displayed in our home in Second Norway.

Macro Monday on Flickr: Today's Theme: The Office

Macro Monday Engaging in Correspondence. Every monday I attempt to take a pic based on the theme from the Macro Monday flickr group, using exclusively Second Life pics. Today's theme: The Office.