Thursday, March 5, 2015 Monday Meme: Avatar Transformation Challenge.

Missed the meme last week, so I figured I'd better take a stab at this one.  Soo many options in inventory, but to stick to the rules provided quite the challenge.  I had an old man avatar I had created for an event many moons ago (before mesh, to put a time frame on it,) and thought I'd dig it out and dust off the mothballs, so to speak.

Oddly enough, from the draxter videos recently, was the creator of this avatar, Nylon Pinkney .

The avatar is from The Wrigglesworth Residence, but I think it is no longer made.  There are others though, if you ever felt like whipping out the Geritol and the bifocals, and having a ball.  These characters are hilarious.